Personal, private online sessions
In these 1-hour sessions I offer the development of practical and accessible skills and resources to empower you. Grow strengths to meet challenges in your life; learn skills such as meditation; gently engage with unresolved trauma and/or unhealed wounds or to explore your own spiritual path. I will help you to uncover and grow the resources within you that will steady you and guide your way.
Skills and tools to return to your True Self
What is it that holds you back from the life you long for? There may be many things that are beyond your control, but each moment gives you the opportunity to take that next step that honours your true self. Working through unhealed wounds, unresolved trauma, conditioning, habitual and reactive patterns is part and parcel of the journey to wholeness.
Learning skills and tools that you can use to meet, greet and resolve what binds you, can hasten you along the way. The way may not be easy, but with the right resources there is nothing that can hold you back. These tools I have honed over three decades of personal development practice. I draw on my training and qualifications as a Yoga Therapist, a Certified iRest Yoga Nidra teacher, a Positive Neuroplasticity teacher – and as a human being.
You, whole and individual
These one to one sessions will empower you. Individual differences in age, culture, religion, philosophy and occupation are respected. In other words, it is for everyone. I offer a wholistic approach that gently works with your own innate healing forces. I am concerned with you as a whole person, not just the state of illness or difficulty you may be experiencing.
Specialised focus
My specialty is to bring relief from stress, anxiety, depression and trauma. I have lived experience of all of these. I also have particular interest in grief, terminal illness, death, sleep disturbances, addiction and chronic pain. I am happy to work with any condition from a whole person perspective, not to cure but to integrate towards improved health and wholeness.
Each One to One session lasts 1 hour @$180.
A Zoom link will be sent via email.
If you are in a time zone other than Australian Eastern Time, you can find a time converter here.
Please email me with preferred times if you need to be invoiced and confirmation will be provided.
You may like to make an ongoing commitment to what I call the ‘Transformation Package’. This reduces the price of each session to $150 when you commit to six sessions.
Six sessions for $900.
Bringing forward your wisdom and wholeness
What I offer is not psychotherapy. Rather, what I offer is psychological education. There is overlap of course, but the main difference is that my focus is on teaching you to grow resources and develop skills that you can use to support yourself.
I work with what is already healthy and whole within you rather than focussing on any sense of lack or deficit that you may hold to. So what I offer is not ‘treatment’ so much as support in developing and applying resources and wisdom to your situation. We will start with what is ‘right’ with you and gradually uncover ineffective, habitual behaviours and thought patterns that are holding you back.
Our sessions will involve talking about your life situation and lifestyle. They are likely to include a powerful co-meditation practice known as a dyad from the iRest Yoga Nidra tradition. Importantly, we will determine your goals for our work together.
We will embark on a journey of discovery together, exploring various tools and techniques (breath, meditation, positive neuroplasticity) to bring forward the wisdom that is already available to you, from the inside. What I offer will not be prescriptive but something for you to try out for yourself. Ultimately, you are the authority on you, and your first-hand experience is your best guide.
Practise at home between our sessions
Home practice will be important. It could be as little as five minutes a day, or five minutes most days, or longer. We’ll work out the parameters together, but most importantly it will be something that you feel is doable, works with your lifestyle and is aligned with your goals.
Spirituality or religion
A cornerstone to my approach is to encourage you to find your own answers, to unearth your own source of wisdom. I will be interested in your spiritual or religious position, if you have one. It’s certainly not important if you don’t have one – my interest is what you use to connect your individual consciousness to something greater than yourself however you understand or experience it.
While I do not take a religious approach, I can comfortably encompass any religious perspective that you come with. The ancient healers knew that ‘every disease is at least in part a spiritual problem’. This is reflected in the approach I take. Recognising our interconnectedness and grappling with the mystery of life offer us a home ground that provides support independent of external circumstances.