Choose the course that’s right for you

4 hours on a weekend, or a mid-week 4 week course – in-house for your group or workplace

An Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation

Choose the pace of this 4-part course: over half a day or over 4 weeks

This course is practical, non-religious and designed for beginners. Mindfulness can help:

✔ Reduce stress and anxiety
✔ Improve sleeping patterns
✔ Less self-judgement and more self-acceptance
✔ Greater feelings of joy and freedom
✔ Improve mental health
✔ Develop effective ways to work with difficult thoughts and emotions.

Half Day Meditation Retreat, Bilpin

A precious opportunity to relax into the perfect naturalness of your own being

Let your true nature come to the fore – be reminded that you were born OK and have always been OK. Whether you have never meditated before, are a beginner or an experienced meditator, this retreat offers you every benefit of a silent, tech-free meditation environment. It comprises guided meditations, walking meditation, meditation teachings and group discussion.

Past mindfulness courses

iRest® Level 1 Training with Fuyuko Sawamura-Toyota

We trained in iRest Yoga Nidra meditation, supporting psychological, physical and spiritual health, healing and awakening

This 5-day practical and experiential program teaches the research-backed 10-Step iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation protocol. It offers the tools and experience to deeply enrich your personal practice and teach iRest fundamentals to others. This is dedicated time to begin discovering your unwavering inner resource of wellbeing and to transform how you meet yourself, navigate life – and learn to support others to do the same.